Sunday, June 28, 2009

Cats and Dogs

Men are like dogs; they are easy to get along with, they want to be friends with everybody, they are loyal - almost to a fault at times.

Women are like cats; they are picky, they let you know when they're upset, they only want attention when "they" want attention, they have a ''what have you done for me lately'' attitude.

The old sayings applies here...

... diamonds are a girls bestfriend...

... dog is man's bestfriend...

hhhmmmm... I wonder who's more relational...?

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

As I sit here typing away,
Thinking of poetry today,
Wondering, who else has this longing?

All day, throughout the night,
I try with all of my might,
To master this complex wonder!

Only myself, I have chided,
In my soul I have decided,
Poetry confuses and boggles the senses!

With no resolution on the horizon,
I shall run with the bison,
In the opposite direction!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Time to Eat Out

It was a hot 95 degree day; actually it had been for the past 10 days. Working construction, while having its good points of being outside can be physically trying at times. I had just staggered in the front door to my castle from another 12 hour day in the scorching sun, when my bride of 10 years greeted me with, "I'm hot," (which she is) "I'm tired, I'm not cooking supper, and we're going out for dinner!"

Now, I should say that on that particular day she had been legitimately busy, kids going here and there, things with the bank, and tasks associated with being a mom and wife. I would like to add that a general “hello” would have been a dandy ice-breaker, but instead she decided to go for the “I’m tired” card and play it for everything its worth. A pesky detail… we had NO air conditioning; she and the kids were stuck there all day, but that wasn’t really my problem....

The sun had beat me like a rented mule for the past 10 days and I still had a few more months of blood blistering beating to go from the great orb in the sky. Meeting my bride, at the top of the stairs, who had her hands curled up into fists resting sternly on her somkin' hips wondering if I had the courage to deny her what she was "requesting".

To the right I could see into the master suite where I do my… relaxing… and to my amazement the bed had not been properly made, and yet she she was asking to retire for the evening at some cooled restaurant? *cough* whatever...

“You didn’t even make the bed today!” I exclaimed my displeasure.

“I didn’t have time,” she protested (weakly I might add), “I had to go the bank, one child had t-ball, this one had piano, and the 3rd fruit of my loins has been puking all day.” (blah-blah- blah-blah…) “I just didn’t have time! So we're going out to eat!” she proclaimed directly to me as challenging my authority.

“Well, June Cleaver would have had time! She would have worn pearls, high heels, AND had a smile for her husband,” I felt obligated to point out the obvious.

I won’t go into the ugly details that followed, but I took a cool shower and had an even colder conversation at the restaurant on a hot summer evening seemed to be the just ticket to for a few ice cubes...I guess, I didn't quit get it....

Posted by pauly at 12:38 PM 0 comments
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Live by Faith


The scripture says,
Keep God’s Word tied to our hearts,
Remembering God is near.
Then darkness, decorates its arms around me;
Understanding makes no speech,
Discernment gives no direction,
Wisdom grins and laughs at me.
Where in the wilderness am I?
Desert sands blow, rivers flood,
The coldness of solitude smiles and winks.
'Pray and seek God!' Scripture says,
'For His wisdom and understanding'.
Do what you know is right
Even then in the darkness,
I won’t be playing the fool?
What a fine line,
Playing the fool and faith.